The Top Smart Home Automation Trends Expected in 2023

Home Automation System - SMARTHOMEWORKS

With 2022 drawing to a close, we are reviewing a massive year for home automation and smart home integration technologies, with more people than ever incorporating smart home automation into their daily life for convenience, enhanced lifestyle, and home security.

So, after such a big year, what do we foresee trending in smart home automation in 2023?

Read on to learn about the top home automation trends expected in the coming year, and discover why more people on Australia’s East Coast are choosing to collaborate with our designers and integrators at Smart Home Works.

Voice assistance technologies

The integration of voice assistance technology, like smart speakers, has steadily risen over the last few years as this futuristic technology and its evolving firmware updates consistently improve.

Even if you have not yet been exposed to smart speaker technology, you will likely have heard about the leading devices, including:

  • Sonos One
  • Amazon’s Alexa and Echo
  • Apple HomePod
  • Google’s Home and Nest
  • and more

These devices allow you to control your home automation via voice command, including:

  • Lighting
  • Audio-visual technology
  • Smart curtains
  • Smartphones
  • Major smart appliances
  • Thermostats and air-conditioning
  • Smart garden irrigation
  • and more

Voice command modules also let you access the internet for general browsing, finding local eateries, locating media, and many other functions.

The 2023 tech release season is bound to see another generation of voice activation and smart speaker technologies that take their function and features to the next level, allowing ever more accurate AI-identified voice commands.

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Advanced smart home security

Though smart homes and home automation may sound like current buzzwords, they have been in development for the consumer market since the late 1960s. One of the driving technologies behind smart home automation is, and always has been, security technology.

Smart home security has launched legacy security systems into the stratosphere, putting the power back in homeowners’ pockets by allowing them to access, monitor and control their security devices and appliances remotely from a smartphone, laptop or tablet anywhere there is a reliable internet connection.

The rise of new-wave smart home security has seen an upgrade to many of our home’s traditional security technologies, including:

  • Smart cameras
  • Intercoms
  • Smart doorbells
  • Smart alarms
  • Smart motion sensors
  • Smart security lighting
  • Smart access control
  • and much more

Though this technology is advancing at a rate of knots, there is always a future threat to its network security.

2023 is predicted to see a strong focus on cyber security, providing solutions to ensure home automation, security systems and personal data are protected from would-be scammers, thieves and hackers.

Automation sensation

What were new automated IoT devices in our homes not so long ago are now becoming home staples, such as:

  • Robot vacuums
  • Smart white goods
  • Smart fans
  • Smart speakers
  • Smart audio visual
  • Smart lighting
  • and more

However, in 2023, we may see some more premium home automation technologies becoming more affordable and accessible to the average homeowner, including:

  • Smart curtains
  • Smart roller shutters
  • Smart watering systems
  • Smart sky-lights
  • and more

It seems there is no limit to the potential that smart home automation technologies and the list of devices and utilities continues to expand.

Eco-friendly smart homes

We are experiencing the effects of global warming at an alarming rate, prompting many homeowners to do what they can to reduce their strain on the environment.

This push for more eco-friendly homes and lifestyles will see a push for smart home automation technologies such as:

  • Solar battery storage
    Solar panels are becoming a staple in most homes, and battery storage is becoming more cost-effective, allowing many more homeowners to enter the battery storage market, making their smart home automation more reliable and affordable to run
  • Smart irrigation
    Summers are warming up, and many homeowners are looking for ways to optimise their water expenditure, especially in the garden. Smart irrigation allows unprecedented remote control over garden irrigation while also providing ultra-accurate water usage data.
  • Smart energy, gas and water monitoring
    Until the introduction of smart energy monitors, it could often be anyone’s guess as to how much energy was being used per quarter and how much it would cost. Smart energy monitoring allows homeowners to see how much energy they are using in real-time.
  • Smart lighting
    While smart lighting is popular due to its convenience, it is also a great energy saver. It allows homeowners to install timer sensors, obtain notifications if lights are left on in empty rooms, and control lighting remotely.
  • Smart curtains
    As well as privacy and security, curtains are also great insulators, helping to keep heat inside on cold nights and keep the sunlight out during warmer weather. Smart curtains help homeowners regulate temperature without using their thermostats and air conditioning to excess, saving significantly on energy expenditure.
  • Smart thermostats and air-conditioners
    Countries like Australia can get very cold during winter and suffer scorching temperatures in summer, requiring constant climate control measures in one of the world’s most expensive energy-supply markets.

Smart air- conditioning and thermostats allow homeowners to regulate their home’s temperature remotely without wasting power and gas while the house is unoccupied, saving on excessive energy costs and carbon emissions.

Smart home building packages

Smart home automation is becoming less of a luxury and more of a way of streamlining and simplifying our lifestyles and family homes.

As smart home technologies become a common feature in the 2020s, 2023 will likely see more builders offering complete smart home automation solutions during the design and building phase of a new home build or a major remodelling.

This could be via either a builder’s contracted integrator or an integrator of the homeowner’s choice.

Our highly-qualified and experienced SmartHomeWorks designers and integrators have provided world-class smart home automation solutions in Sydney for over 20 years, forging a reputation for excellence across the global smart home automation sector.

SmartHomeWorks: Industry leaders for smart home automation Sydney-wide

Our experienced team of smart home automation consultants, designers and integrators are some of the best in Australia, drawing from decades of combined experience.

If you are on Australia’s East Coast and looking for prestige smart home automation integration, contact us today at (02) 8197 1133 or send your inquiry and preferred contact details via email to

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