SMARTHOMEWORKS are often approached by clients who are looking to raise the quality and value of their investment homes by converting them into a smart home. Smart home installation jobs are rising in popularity and are a much more attractive prospect for renters as they make day-to-day life much more straightforward.

In this particular case, a high-profile sporting client was looking to make their investment property stand out in a reasonably developed market. The conversion to a well designed, planned and professionally installed smart home automation system would help to increase the resale value of the property while distinguishing it from other properties in the area.

As our client specialises in the world of sports and not property development, they turned to their financial adviser for recommendations, and it was decided that turning the investment into a smart home was one way to standout from the crowd.


SMARTHOMEWORKS were working to a strict budget with the client concerned about what electrical outlet variances would be required to achieve the desired outcome. The primary goal was to ensure that the usability and function of the new system was intuitive, robust and maintainable, along with being well-documented to help with resale.

Luckily, the home was in construction phase which meant little to no interruptions to existing infrastructure or systems were required. This also lowered the cost as construction was able to be designed with the smart feature installation in mind, as opposed to spending extra funds on re-installation.



Savant’s Home Automation System was chosen due to its easy-to-use interface which was much nicer. The home had a third party air-conditioning control device which was able to communicate with the Savant Home Automation System without voiding any warranties.

The Savant Home Automation System is an elegant automation option that essentially controls your whole home from a single app. Savant Pro controls your lighting, climate, entertainment, and security. It can:

  • Control any light in the house from anywhere
  • Save energy by automatically turning off lights in empty rooms
  • Schedule outdoor lights to turn on when you arrive home from work
  • Turn off the entire home with one button
  • Adjust the thermostat remotely and control the shades to close at mid-day
  • Set specific temperatures in different rooms
  • Provide alerts about extreme cold or humidity

You can also program particular settings, for example, ‘cocktail hour’ which can stream a specific playlist as your pool lights turn on.

SMARTHOMEWORKS worked closely with the client to design a range of functions that meant the entire home could be controlled from a tablet or app remote. There is a vast array of solutions when it comes to smart systems and integration and tailoring the right one for each client can be a timely and challenging process; however the outcome is well-suited to the client’s specific requirements.


Working in conjunction with the project manager, finance manager, builder,  electrician, lighting supplier and architect, SMARTHOMEWORKS improved the function, design aesthetics, and efficiency of the home. The outcome was complete home system integration, including:

  • Lighting security access control
  • Air-conditioning
  • Lighting scenes
  • Switchable glass, which changes from translucent to transparent with electricity for privacy and aesthetics

All of the upgrades above were made available on the one platform, controllable either through the home or on a device. By enabling devices and systems to communicate via Wi-Fi, homes can be monitored whether owners are onsite or on the other side of the globe.

Smart home technology is getting cheaper every day which offers a huge opportunity to differentiate your home from others on the market. It’s estimated that home automation will be a $1.7 trillion market.


The lighting scenes that were implemented include:

  • Welcome home: A scene that turns on several lighting circuits, through the entry, hall and open plan kitchen living dining, with the touch of a button
  • Kitchen: Illumination of the dicing and slicing surfaces while cooking
  • Dining: A dimming effect in the dining room for a more subdued and intimate environment during meals
  • Away: All lighting turned off via one button
  • House Off – Bedroom: A button that turns off all lighting in the home via the bedside table
  • Movie: A button via the living room panel which automatically turns off all the lights in the lounge room, closes the blinds and turns on the TV for the best viewing experience
Smart Home Case Studies - SMARTHOMEWORKS


The security system installed in this home allows for an alert to your phone telling you which area of the home was triggered. CCTV records all activity in the house.


The Savant interface offers climate control with temperatures being alterable from the tablet interface. You are also able to answer your door remotely, great for directing delivery men to leave packages at your door.

One of the main goals of this project was to increase the resale value of the investment. The smart home features installed above are a fantastic selling point and truly impress those who view the home during an open house. These additions differentiate and distinguish the home against others for sale in the region. 40 percent of realtors claim that smart homes will sell faster than standard homes, regardless of their price.

So whether you are considering the kind of upgrades that send a text from the security system telling you that the kids are home from school, or a reminder from the fridge that it’s time to buy more almond milk, the new features available will not only make life easier but raise the value of your investment as well.

Sorting through the increasing options for smart home installation jobs can be confusing for both builder and buyer. SMARTHOMEWORKS can help you navigate this features-based marketplace by putting together a comprehensive offering for a smart home. We act as the curator for smart home options, giving our clients a holistic system. Speak to SMARTHOMEWORKS today about making your investment a smart home, it’s the smart move!

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