As far back as the middle ages, home security was something that we humans had to strive for. We came up with various techniques and strategies (from installing burglar proof iron bars to motion sensors) to keep ourselves and all that we hold dear safe. Nowadays, our homes are fitted with various alarm systems and CCTV to ensure maximum security. They are meant to alert us ( the case of a fire, fire alarms sound out and trigger sprinklers to wet the room to prevent the fire from spreading) when something suspicious happens.
So much advancement, yet, in some cases they are not good enough as threats to our safety also evolve.
Smart home security is the newest breakthrough in the home security system. Now the questions you may have are what is smart home security? Where is smart security useful? How do I integrate it into my home? This article strives to answer these questions
Intro 101 – Protect your house with your smartphone
The idea of smart security is to have monitored protection for your home through the use of smart devices such as your phones and tablets. Protection is guaranteed regardless of whether you are at home or elsewhere. For example, you are shopping at a nearby supermarket, and someone breaks into your house through the windows. However, you may not know this unless you drive by your home and this is all because some alarm systems do not ring out.
In the case of smart security, the security system will send you a notification that someone broke in. Information will also be directed immediately to the police station. If you have cameras installed, it will then show you the position of the trespasser as well as their image.
Another example is the controllable thermostat that maintains the cosy state of your home. When a smart thermostat gets Integrated with the smart security system you will get a notification in case you, for example, leave the house with the thermostat on.
Another ‘smart’ aspect of this is that the system is not rigid. It constantly analyses yours and everyone else’s schedule thereby making it a learning system. With the learning trait, your smart home security can predict when you will come home to turn on the aircon and when you will sleep so to remind you to lock the door and windows.
Let’s see how you can put the smart home security to use.
Useful applications of smart home security
With a smart home security system, you can lock any door in your house with a single touch on your smartphone. However, to do this, the door locks have to be internet connected to lock and unlock them remotely.
Window sensor
How many times have we forgotten to close and lock the windows? The smart security system will warn you whenever it is left unlock if you are on your way out of the house. The system can also detect your sleeping time by analysing movements inside the house. With the learning trait, in time, it will be able to remind you to lock the window before you go to sleep.
Smart thermostat
The old smart thermostat only allows you to turn it on and off remotely. You still have to be conscious of when to turn it on, although the control can be done remotely. The latest smart thermostat can learn and do things by itself. Note that the smart thermostat is not meant to take over the function of your heater or cooler. It merely turns them on or off based on your settings. It will also turn up or down the heater or AC according to the temperature inside the house.
Using a smart thermostat saves you time. It also saves you money in energy bills as it prevents heaters and AC from being used inefficiently or accidentally being left on.
Turning off the light can be a chore especially when the distance to the light switch is too far. Installing smart gears on your lighting system will allow you to tap them off with a single button from your bed. You can also decide to set the light system to an “on” phase at certain times of the day or night to ward off trespassers and robbers.
Integration of system
Most people don’t buy smart devices from a single manufacturer. Some have different brands for the doors and their thermostat. When such a situation happens, there is a significant probability that those devices will not integrate with each other. Even when they do, they have a rigid connection, causing bugs and problems to arise. Pretty counterproductive to the idea of installing a smart security system.
Remember that installation of smart home devices from different manufacturers can affect your safety in a life or death situation. During a fire incident, the system will automatically sound the alarm and snap open the sprinklers. If the door is not integrated, it will remain locked, and you will have a problem trying to open it. Situations like the aforementioned are why it is essential that you shop for your smart home security from a place that allows integration between the different devices.
If you are set on using smart home security system, find one that enables you to operate everything through a single app. That is one of SMARTHOMEWORKS strong point. You don’t have to keep ten different apps for your home’s furniture and security system. Just one with an easy to operate interface and integrated command system. You can turn on your thermostat and humidifier from your workplace without having to go through various apps and switch between tabs.
You will also need reliable professionals and a support team in case you suspect your system is not working as it should be. Call us today (02) 8197 1122 or contact us here with any questions you have and we will be happy to lend a hand. We also provide free maintenance for anything purchased and installed by us.